Friday 26 August 2011

Media Arts

Hi Amy!

I was very unsure about what ‘media arts’ would involve. Unfortunately, I have had little experience with media arts within the classroom, both during my own education and whilst on prac. This is a shame because the art form is becoming increasingly significant in today’s society. As Greenwood (2003) argues, teachers are always encouraging students to communicate and think critically, and media arts is thus another medium that students can use to develop these skills. Since undertaking this week’s module, I have realised the importance of media arts and have gained some useful classroom strategies. Media arts provides so many learning opportunities; one idea I had was teaching persuasive text by having the students create documentaries and commercials.

Filming a picture book without words is a great idea! After creating the narrative and filming, I would also share the recordings with the entire class in an effort to promote a sense of pride. Flip-cameras are becoming readily available in schools and make such activities possible and easy to accomplish. When I was reading your ideas, an author which came to mind was Jeannie Baker who often writes picture books with no written text, leaving it up to the reader to interpret.

According to the Department of Education (2007), “media in education involves students in making and analysing media products and in developing an understanding of the way media texts are produced, circulated and understood” (p.87). I think this quote sums up the philosophy that has underpinned our arts education within this course. Media arts, like all of arts education, is about making/creating, viewing/analysing and developing a deep understanding. If we, as teachers, seek to develop all three factors within the classroom, I believe that we can provide students with a deep and thorough education in a discipline which is both engaging and immensely valuable.


Greenwood, D. (2003). Action! In the classroom. A guide to student produced digital video in K-12 education. USA: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Department of Education (2007). The Arts Curriculum. Department of Education, Tasmania.

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