Monday 1 August 2011

Drawing music

Bethany, you've obviously had positive experiencies with Drama. I haven't at all, but using Maureen’s fantastic strategies I hope to discover a love for it .

I hadn’t thought of how powerful and supportive drama could be: tackling bullying, parents separating, and other large issues that students may face.

Thanks for the alternate fairy tales.  Having varying points of view on traditional fairy tales opens up creative literacy activities.



Gerard had us really think about WHAT IS MUSIC? 

and                          are concrete – they are what they are and we cannot change them.
BUT Pitch has been created over time - society decided what is high and low. 

The BEST thing about the workshops is we are playing.  Being active through singing, listening, playing, creating and moving I have been learning for myself .  
My favourite activity was listening to Fanfare for the Common man and drawing the music.  I adored: looking deeper into the music, listening for individual instruments, and responding to my peers interpretations.  As Kuzniar (1997) states examining both the auditory and the visual together can highlight the distinctive elements of both areas. 

I was inspired and found the Planets by Gustav Holst, I listened to Mars at school.  The pieces are very different – you could do a similar exercise with them OR you could compare two pieces.

First video is MARS - second is SATURN.

The activities stated in Kuzniar's Finding Music in Art (1997), are engaging, and easy to apply within the classroom without too much preparation. 

I love Music – I cannot wait to include it in my classroom.  Personally I enjoy all genres of music, so in my classroom it will not just be the wonders of classical but ALL genres.
Kuzniar, M., (1997, December). Finding Music in Art. Teaching Music, 7(3), 44-47.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Amy. Could you also make links to references please. The planets is a ncie find, see the music folder on the MyLO homepage which has some music files and an activity framework for this.
