Wednesday 20 July 2011

Week One Reflection

During the first tute the atmosphere within the classroom was warm and relaxed.  The activities that Mary Ann chose were engaging and we all got involved.  The strategies were physical and had us moving, both individually and in small groups.  I thought the manner in which Mary Ann had us moving from group to individual then back to groups was seamless. Not until we were placed in our end groups was I aware of the smoothness of how well it was put together.  We were playing and linking to art, and as Sinclair, Jeanneret and O'Toole (2010) state the connections between art, play and learning are vital. 

My group went to work with Maureen, using inspiration from Kandinsky, whose work I previously knew; we created paintings using only primary colours.  Whilst creating we kept the phrase, "I see, I wonder and I hope" in mind with reference to that morning's lesson and the rest of the unit.
  • One group listened to a piece of music and drew what they pictured was happening during the piece
  • Our group presented our paintings
  • The third group had a drama exercise, which involved the whole class.  They instigated class involvement well as we were immersed without thinking about it - all being PIRATES.

I love the idea of only using primary colours - I think this is a great activity to use in the classroom, creating opportunity for children to experiment.

I love art - I went away with inspiration and looked further into Kandinsky's work. 



  1. Are you Amy or Bethany??????

    OK good first post. Try to link some reading here too

    Bill Baker

  2. Why is there no blog response here?
